เป็นบล็อกเกอร์ที่เขียนบล็อกเป็นอาชีพ ทำบล็อกมาไม่นาน แต่มีประสบการณ์ก็อยากจะแบ่งปัน
Hello,I am writing to see if you would be interested in writing an article for themakky.blogspot.com.We will pay you a fixed fee to write a piece for your own website. The article should be on topic, relevant, and connected to your business.If you are interested, please contact me at the Media Top online media agency. I can give you more information about our proposal.I look forward to hearing from you.Many thanks,Regina SotoVisit us at media-top.comMedia Top
ตอบลบI am writing to see if you would be interested in writing an article for themakky.blogspot.com.
We will pay you a fixed fee to write a piece for your own website. The article should be on topic, relevant, and connected to your business.
If you are interested, please contact me at the Media Top online media agency. I can give you more information about our proposal.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Many thanks,
Regina Soto
Visit us at media-top.com
Media Top